Recognize How to Detect Early Allergy in Children Next
Various kinds of allergies in children can be experienced by your baby, you know. Therefore, it is important for Mother to know how to early detect allergies in children, the article of allergies can interfere with the activities of the Little One who can reduce his cheerfulness.
Little can be allergic to cow's milk, eggs, fish, beans, soybeans, wheat, medicine, insects, and others. This can cause some symptoms such as frequent sneezing; runny / stuffy nose; red, itchy, and watery eyes; cough; and the onset of red and itchy rashes.
Allergy is the body's reaction to certain substances or foods. Allergies occur when your baby's immune system reacts to substances that trigger allergies. But, you don't need to worry. Because allergies can be dealt with if Mother and parents take three important steps, namely Recognize, Consult, and Control. These three steps, called '3K', are the key to dealing with the allergic symptoms that your child experiences.
How to Detect Early Allergy in Children
If you have a child who has allergies, several ways this can be done for early detection of allergic Little, including:Detection of Parental Health History
Allergies experienced by the Little One could have come from the health history of the Mother as her parents. If both parents or one (Mother or Father) has an allergy, then Little is also at risk of experiencing allergies. For this reason, bring your mother's notes (family health history) when conducting an examination for your child. This will make it easier for doctors to detect allergies experienced by the mother of the baby.
Detection in Ages (under three years)
Allergy symptoms can occur in various forms, such as itchy nose or throat, nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy and runny eyes, itching, swelling, and can cause loss of awareness of the Little One. If this is experienced by Little, Mother must immediately take him to the doctor to get an examination and proper treatment.
Scientific Detection
If your child has an allergy, you can ascertain what substances are the triggering factors for allergies. Some tests that can be done to find out the triggers of allergies are:
- Skin prick test. There are two skin test methods, the first a drop of liquid from an allergen is applied or dripped on your little one's skin, with a small puncture on the skin before. Whereas the second method, which is a small amount of allergen fluid, is injected into your baby's skin, this test is a bit stinging but not painful. Then, wait for about 15 minutes. If there are reddish lumps such as mosquito bites accompanied by swelling and itching, then the test results are positive. In some cases, this test can be the most accurate and affordable way to find out the presence of allergies in children. However, please note, that a positive skin prick test does not automatically diagnose an allergy, especially if no symptoms are found. In addition, positive skin prick tests do not predict the severity of allergic reactions.
- Blood test. If Little can't do skin prick tests, then he can do blood tests. In this test, your baby's blood will be examined and analyzed his immune system in response to allergens. Blood samples for your child are often taken from the back of the hand. Because their skin can go numb after being given a special spray or cream before taking a blood sample. For blood tests, it takes days to ensure the results obtained and require more expensive costs than a skin prick test. The risks that arise are pain or bleeding at the injection site. Fainting can also occur during blood tests.
- Skin patch test. This test determines what causes allergies that cause contact dermatitis. The doctor will place / attach a small amount of allergen to your baby's skin, then cover it with a bandage. After that, the doctor will observe your child's reaction after 48 to 96 hours. If your child is allergic to the allergen that is stuck, then there will be a rash on the skin area that the allergen is affixed to.