Recognizing Safe Induction, Avoiding Risks
Waiting for the days before delivery is a very tense moment. Not surprisingly, many pregnant women who try to do natural induction to speed up the day of labor.
The possibility of giving birth to a healthy baby is higher when pregnant women undergo childbirth, which is about two weeks before or after the estimated birth day (HPL). The ideal day of birth is 39 weeks.
Utilize Recommended Natural Induction
Natural induction techniques can be done at home, alone or with a partner. In addition, there are induction techniques that must be performed by a doctor or medical expert in a hospital. Here are some types of natural induction that are recommended:Having sex
Connecting with a partner can be used as a natural induction method. In addition, sperm also contains prostaglandins which will help with natural induction. This hormone is widely used in medical induction.
Sexual intercourse as a natural induction is considered more successful in a pregnancy that has experienced signs of labor. For example, the cervix is softening and thinning. However, keep in mind that sex as an induction is not recommended for a pregnant woman who has ruptured membranes. If in doubt, consult this matter with a specialist.
Breast nipple stimulation
Stimulation of the nipple can trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin. Stimulation can be done by hand or breast milk pump. The hormone oxytocin will then trigger contractions. However, obstetricians emphasize that nipple stimulation should be carried out with supervision of the condition of the baby in the womb to avoid excessive stimulation
Removing the amniotic wall from the cervix
For this induction, the doctor will sweep the fingers around the cervix so that the membranes in the amniotic sac separate. This action is expected to trigger the release of the hormone prostaglandin and trigger labor. One study showed that more women entered the labor process in the group whose membranes were separated from the cervix, compared to those who did not undergo the procedure.
Solve amniotic sac
When the amniotic sac ruptures, the hormone prostaglandin increases, triggering contractions. To break the amniotic bag, the doctor will use a thin sterile plastic hook. The hook is added to the lining in the cervix until the baby's head feels down to the cervix. This procedure usually makes the contractions stronger so that the amniotic sac is ruptured
Be Wary of Unproven Natural Induction
Pregnant women need to be aware of natural induction that is only based on myths or that has not been medically proven. We recommend that you first consult with your obstetrician.Walk far
Walking or other sports can push the baby down to the pelvis. However, this is an expert claiming to disagree with this theory because walking away can cause pregnant women to fatigue before delivery
Eat spicy food
Many myths are circulating that spicy foods can stimulate uterine contractions. This has not been proven and actually risks causing heartburn in pregnant women. In addition, there is no direct relationship between the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
Drink castor oil
Castor oil is a very strong laxative that is expected to trigger contractions. Although one study shows the influence of these oils, but there is a risk that it can trigger respiratory problems in infants. In addition, there is also a risk of pregnant women experiencing diarrhea which is very dangerous if dehydration occurs.
Taking herbal medicine
There are various types of plants that people believe can be a natural induction. Even so, it is better for consumption of this herbal medicine should always be in consultation with a doctor. Precisely what has happened is prolonged labor or other disorders