Relactation, How To Breastfeed Back After Quitting

The process of breastfeeding does not always run smoothly. Mothers could have experienced obstacles, such as the cessation of production of breast milk altogether. If you have this, breastfeeding can stop for some time. However, for any busui who is determined to continue breastfeeding, there is always a second chance: relactation!

Triggering the release of breast milk

Termination of the unplanned breastfeeding process can be due to various reasons, for example mothers who must be separated from the baby for work, hospitalization or other things. Stress can also affect the flow of breast milk. Meanwhile, the decision not to breastfeed immediately after the baby is born or other breastfeeding problems occur, can also make breast milk stop flowing. Regardless of the underlying reasons, breastfeeding can begin again with relactation. The term relactation refers to efforts so that breasts that had stopped producing milk, can re-issue milk. Keep in mind that this effort can produce different results for each person, so do not expect instant results, this effort may take several weeks, depending on the age factor of the baby, the time lag stop breastfeeding, and the breast breastfeeding condition. Because of these factors, the milk that comes out later cannot always be relied upon to meet the full needs of the baby. However, relactation can still maintain the relationship between mother and baby.

Relactation Steps

Come on, Mother, do some of the following relactation steps with optimism.
  • Often attach mother's nipples to the baby's mouth. If he wants to cling and suck, feed him every two hours for 15-20 minutes. However, if Little is not interested, do not force but do not give up. Try again when he looks happy or sleepy. The more often the baby feeds directly, the more milk it will be possible to flow again.
  • Breastfeeding babies at night. This can have a strong influence on milk production.
  • Make baby's skin contact with the skin of the mother. This contact can be done by the mother and baby in a naked state so that skin contact occurs. Positions that you can do, for example in a state of lying and then put the baby on your chest. In order not to get cold, cover with a blanket.
  • Apply breast milk to the nipple before breastfeeding. If the breast can produce milk, squeeze a little before thrusting the breast to the baby.
  • Between breastfeeding, try to express milk. Blushing can be done using a pump or by hand. This act of flushing the breast can stimulate the breast to produce breast milk.
  • Consumption of foods or supplements that increase milk production. Supplements with kelabat content (fenugreek), often referred to as breast milk booster.
  • Give formula milk through breastfeeding position. If breast milk has not yet come out and the baby is still breastfeeding with formula milk, Mother can try to provide formula milk with a position such as breastfeeding from the breast.
  • Be patient. Do not expect this process to provide instant results. Your child may refuse to breastfeed for 1-2 weeks before he gets back used to it. Meanwhile, it may take several weeks for Mother's milk supply to increase.
If the production of breast milk is still not ideal, the mother may need to supplement the nutritional intake of the baby with donor milk, formula milk, or complementary solid food if the baby is more than six months old. Meanwhile, it is very important to continue to monitor the baby's weight gain to ensure that his nutritional needs are met properly
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