Sunscreen Available Before Activities Outside

Sunlight contains UVA which can cause premature aging of the skin. Besides UVA, the UVB content in sunlight is the main cause of sunburn due to sunburn. The use of sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is very important to prevent the effects of UVA and UVB when outdoors activities. To prevent the harmful effects of sunlight, use sunscreen with an SPF of 24 or more. The SPF value itself indicates the time it takes for the skin to burn if using SPF lotion compared to if not using it. No matter how high the SPF content is, unfortunately it still cannot prevent full sun exposure.

Protect skin from radiation

Actually UVB rays are also needed for the body to help increase the formation of vitamin D in the skin. However, too high UVB radiation can pose a risk of sunburn and even increase the risk of melanoma skin cancer. Such hazards must be avoided by protecting the skin by applying sunscreen, especially when outdoors. Because, sunlight and radiation can strike at any time. For those of you who are often outdoors, it's important to always use sunscreen to protect the skin. Even so, the use of sunblock may not be as long as you choose. Make sure you choose an SPF lotion or sunscreen that contains SPF. When choosing an SPF lotion, pay attention to the SPF number printed on the package. According to one expert, the SPF 24 lotion will inhibit about 97 percent of UVB rays, while the SPF 50 inhibits about 98 percent of UVB rays.

How to Use the Right Sunscreen

There are several things to consider when buying sunscreen, such as:
  • Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects not only against UVB rays, but also UVA.
  • Choose a sunscreen that contains an SPF of at least 24.
  • See the product expiration date on the packaging. This is because some substances in sunscreen may suffer damage over time.
  • Choose a sunscreen that is waterproof if you want to do activities that make you sweat or do it in water like swimming.
To get the optimal benefits of the SPF lotion, consider the correct method for using the following.
  • Shake the sunblock packaging before use so that all the ingredients are mixed evenly. After that it's ready to be used on the skin.
  • Apply SPF lotion or sunscreen 30 minutes before outdoor activities. This time is most appropriate because it gives sunscreen a chance to absorb into the skin perfectly.
  • Don't just apply sunscreen once at the beginning of the move. Be sure to repeat it every two hours.
  • Be sure to always apply sunscreen when using a whitening handbody or whitening body lotion.
  • Do not forget to also put on parts of the body that have been forgotten, such as ears, shoulders, back, behind the knees, and elbows.
  • Apply sunscreen again after each exercise. Especially sports that make you sweat a lot outdoors or after doing water sports, like swimming which has many benefits.
The use of sunscreen which is also available in a whitening handbody with SPF content every day, not only protects the skin at the time, but is a long-term investment. In addition to sunscreen, protect your skin by wearing long pants, long sleeves, hats and anti-UV sunglasses. It is also advisable to take shelter under a shaded area when the sun is hot.
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