This Baby Head Circumference Information You Need To Know

Baby growth parameters are not only height and weight, but also the baby's head circumference. This examination is important because the size of the baby's head circumference is not normal can be a sign of health problems. As a parent, you must already understand that a baby's weight and height describe his health and growth. But besides these two things, head circumference also has the same role. Therefore, examination of the baby's head circumference also needs to be done routinely when your child undergo a health examination and evaluation of growth and development.

The Importance of Baby Head Circumference

Some health experts and pediatricians recommend checking head circumference periodically until the child is 2 years old. Measurement of head circumference is an important part of routine health checks on infants. When examining head circumference, the doctor will also usually measure the baby's weight and height, and assess the baby's development based on his age. Abnormal head size growth can be a sign of a baby suffering from an illness. For example, a baby's larger head size can indicate hydrocephalus, while a smaller baby's head size can indicate microcephaly.

Normal Baby Head Circumference

The average head circumference of a full-term newborn is around 35 cm. Increasing the size of a normal baby's head circumference varies, depending on the sex and age of the baby. The following are normal head circumferences for baby girls:
  • Age 0-3 months: 34-39.5 cm. If in the 3rd month the size of the baby's head circumference is smaller than 38 cm or larger than 41 cm, then it could be a sign of a health problem.
  • Age 3-6 months: 39.5-42 cm. The circumference of a baby's head at 6 months can be said to be abnormal if it is less than 41 cm or more than 43.5 cm.
  • Age 6-12 months: 42-45 cm. The baby's head circumference is somewhat abnormal if the baby is 12 months old, the growth of the head circumference is below 44.5 cm or more than 46 cm.
Meanwhile, normal head circumference in baby boys is:
  • Age 0-3 months: 34.5-40.5 cm. The baby's head circumference is somewhat abnormal if the baby is 3 months old, the size of the head circumference is less than 39.5 cm or more than 42 cm.
  • Age 3-6 months: 40.5-43 cm. If in the 6th month the head circumference is still less than 42 cm or more than 45 cm, then the baby could be suffering from health problems.
  • Ages 6-12 years: 43-46 cm. Abnormal head circumference when a baby is 12 months old is less than 45 cm or more than 49.5 cm.
Measuring the baby's head circumference does not always use the same method. If your baby is born prematurely, then there is a special calculation method to measure and determine the normal head circumference of a baby. Therefore, to find out whether your baby's head circumference is normal or not, tell your child to the pediatrician. In addition to getting accurate results, doctors can also immediately take care if your baby is detected experiencing health problems.

Things That Affect Your Baby's Growth

Every baby experiences a different phase of growth and development. To support the growth and development so that it can run well, there are several things that can be done, namely:

1. Nutrition intake

The type and amount of food consumed by the baby will affect its growth. During his growth and development, make sure he gets enough calorie and nutritional intake. If you are under 6 months old, give your baby ASI regularly. After the baby is over 6 months old and can be fed, breast milk may be continued while supplementing the intake of healthy foods for babies, such as yogurt, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, and nuts.

2. Health conditions during pregnancy

Your health during pregnancy certainly affects the condition of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, during pregnancy, you are strongly encouraged to consume foods that are good for pregnant women, exercise regularly, and stay away from unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

3. Heredity factors

Infant growth is also influenced by genetic factors passed down from parents. If both parents have a tall and fat posture, it is likely that the baby also has a similar posture with his parents. Likewise, if both parents are thin, the baby may have a thinner body shape.

4. Your health after the baby is born

This also affects how your baby grows. If you suffer from postpartum depression, you may find it more difficult to treat your child. As a result, the baby will experience slower growth than it should.

5. Certain health conditions

Some medical conditions that attack the baby, such as infection or malnutrition, can also inhibit the growth and development of infants. However, the growth and development of the baby will usually return to normal with recovery and recovery from the baby's illness. Even though your baby's head circumference is normal, it doesn't mean that the growth and development is entirely normal. You need to remember, head circumference is only one of several things that can reflect his health condition. Therefore, take your child to the pediatrician regularly for health checks. In addition to monitoring the growth and development, the doctor will also suggest efforts that can be done so that the health of your baby is maintained.
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